22 February 2019

The time passed so quickly.....

  I really hadn't realised it's been as long as it has.

  I've has some life-changing things happen and I suppose that got priority.

  My father had a mental schism mid-November 2017 and I've been dealing with that. He was formally diagnosed with Vascular Dementia (also known as Progressive Dementia) July 2018. He's not doing too well lately, and his sense of reality is waning back and forth faster and faster as the months go by. He had good days and bad days, his balance is good enough to get him up the stairs and to the bathroom. He's got reduced movement in his left hand and shoulder, had his right cataract removed in 2017 but the operation for the left one didn't go too well, and he decided that he didn't want to have it done. I don't think it'll ever get done now....He stopped driving in 2016, and he really doesn't get out much now. I have to cook, clean, take him to the bathroom, wash him, dress him, take care of his medications (morning and evening sets) and make sure I follow him so he doesn't fall (he's not that bad on his feet, but he gets wobbly enough every other month that he's had a fall when I'm not there or I'm too far away/not fast enough - the last one, he was trying to stand up from sitting on the arm of the sofa and as he was leaning forwards, he just gracefully slid onto the floor....and I was unable to do anything. - and I worry).

  Now for me, well, my big news is that I finally went to the doctors about my back last year and insisted on an MRI and after I found out I had fractures on 2 of my discs, some crushing on another 2 and I have a trapped right spinal nerve on the bottom vertebrae (I can't remember the Letters/Numbers, the printout is somewhere...) I was formally diagnosed with Osteopenia (precursor to Osteoporosis) and I'm on chewable high dosage Calcium/Vitamin D3 tablets for the foreseeable future (I'm waiting for the 6-monthly blood tests for calcium levels to rule out bone spurs from the tablets.). I had a couple physiotherapy appointments before I got the diagnosis and news about my spine and I knew something was a bit serious when they were very surprised (I had two different physiotherapists for the appointments) that I was walking upright without an ounce of pain (drat those early chiropractic appointments, they worked *he he he*).

  Now, my last chiropractor appointment was last year. While I did pay for a set of appointments and I have a couple left, I haven't been back because I've been busy with Dad and I've had some emotional setbacks with Depression and stress. I don't have any back pain and I'm *VERY* thankful for that, but I do want to go and get an adjustment or two as my shoulders are a bit tight. (plus I'd like to get some release for my lower back.). So I'll do that eventually.

   Now for my craftwork....well, I haven't really been doing that as regularly as I'd like. I keep my hand in with the knitting, beaded crochet and occasional jewellery work, but It's slow.

   The reading is ok. I'm still doing the reading challenges with Goodreads. This year I put in a hopeful 104 books to read this year. I'm not holding my breath, but I am quietly crossing my fingers. . .

Ok, Dad needs me. Later

14 April 2017

Not a lot of stress, but I wish there was less...

I'm not having a bad week, but I don't want this collection of BS right now. 

The house needs repairs (ok, it's over 100 years old, it's always going to need repairs of one type or another). I don't want to deal with the stupid builders and the exhorbitant (sp?) charges.

I gathered up all the broken small-ish assorted electrical/battery-powered goods last month and now have 3 large-ish bags of them. I can't carry them. The local tip where I can take them is just too far away so I need to get a taxi to take me. (Make the phone call, Margaret, sheesh.). *grr*.

My primary tablet just lost its charger plug (I thought it was the USB port, I was wrong.). I traveled downtown yesterday and am presently waiting for the new charger plug (could be up to 2 weeks for it to arrive) it's free, due to the warranty, but I want it *now*. I tried to buy a replacement on Amazon, but since the Samsung repair centre took the old one, I have no idea what the specs are (well done me for not writing them down when I got the tablet). I have to wait for the new one, and buy a replacement off the info (I'll first go to the local Samsung shop and see if I can order one there and hope it's not a crazy price.). *aarrgghh*. 

My Dad needs his hair cut - I just don't have the skills to do that. There's a barber (he likes this barber) within walking distance, but for whatever reason he's "not feeling well" when I get him to agree to go "the next day". It's been months now. I'm tempted to shave his head while he sleeps...... *sigh*

I need dental work (a crown and a filling). I'm balking at making the appointment. The tooth where the filling is is aching and the work would *really* be better done *now*, but for whatever reason, I can't make myself either go to the office or phone them. *WHY?!?!?!?

The combined stress is making me eat. I'm now fat (fat. not personally fat but fat). I know what to do. I know *how* to deal it, and I find myself munching on snacks *and* eating meals. *mentally smacks self upside the head*.

The tablet incident yesterday was *apparently* the final straw and has brought on a 3 day tension headache (I get them once every year - I have to wait 3 days with the headache before an analgesic - any analgesic - will work). I'm *so* happy....I could just shit. 




I'm going to go and attempt to meditate. I've tried stretching the muscles of my shoulders and upper back, and that's not done a damn thing. Meditation might not help either, but it will pass some time. . . .

Later. (oh, I think this laptop is dying as well....great, just effing great.)

02 March 2017

I've not been up to posting.

In fact, I've not been up to much, really.

I finally admit I've been depressed.

I just originally thought I'm a bit overwhelmed and feeling blah. But the fact it went on for months instead of days or a few weeks (which I've done), meant that I had to admit I'm not myself.

My yearly new years post went down the toilet, as did most things. I didn't think there was anything to plan for or anything to be thankful for or celebrate. I know that's not true, but it was then. Seeing as it's March, I think it's a bit late now, really.

The only thing I've done since the last post is read, eat and watch TV (and occasionally make a trip downtown when I had to.). I'm dieting - basically cutting back on the snacks and making meals smaller by half - eating for 2 because "why not" is stopping now - and doing exercises. I am visibly fat to me, and I disgust myself (It's a good sign that I care about how I look - but I will *not* step on the scale. That's stupid. I know I need to get toned up. I'm not making myself paranoid about dropping pounds.) - I need to lose at least 20 lbs (a stone and 1/2).minimum visibly, and I'll be happy. I don't know when I'll get back to exercise classes, but I'll be looking into local ones.

After finally realizing I'm getting better and now, I'm being lazy because there's just *so* much to catch up on (laundry, cleaning, craftwork, house repairs, yardwork - to name a few things) I MUST get off my fat arse and get stuff done.

So I'm off. I'm preparing to do some laundry - there's a sizable mountain of it and since I don't have a washer and dryer, off to the laundrette I must go - multiple times over the next couple weeks There's no unearthly way I can do all the laundry in one trip, never mind 2 or 3. (I normally go every other week)

I'm reading. I set a goal on the Goodreads website, like I do every year. I don't remember what number I set, but I'm up to date so far.

Crafting? Well, we'll see. I have knitting in my bag so if I feel like getting a few rows done while the laundry's doing it's thing, it'd be nice. No pressure.

Will I be making an appointment to see the doctor? No I don't think so. I have a few things to catch up on, and worrying about getting to my GP isn't on that particular list right now. But I'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks and if I slip back, then I'll get on the phone and make an appointment.

Anyway. I'm done with this update/post.


29 November 2016


My back is much better now. I still haven't gone to the doctor (bad Maggie), But I'm much better than I used to be. The back has settled down just nicely.


The knitting. Nope, I'm still not working on it. I was attempting to work on a scarf for my Dad, but the summer "heat" meant that it got attacked by a moth and I had to throw out the 2 inches I'd done. I feel sorry for my Dad, but I'm not knitting on anything at all, so he's not being truly ignored. He knows this.

My cross stitching. Well, that's being ignored too, as is the garden. I'm waiting for a hard frost (should be along this week if the Met office is correct), then I'll go out and cut down some unwanted saplings and small trees that are trying to gain a foothold. Naughty Ash trees.

All I'm really doing is cooking, mild (and constant) de-cluttering and reading.

I'm not 100% contented, but at least I'll fulfill my 2016 resolution (get rid of a lot of clutter). It's a good thing. I'll make it my yearly resolution from this point. I can't go the hard de-cluttering route (get rid of as many items as the day of the month - e.g get rid of 24 "things" on the 24th). I did try it for a couple of months, but to be honest, I'm just not that way. But I am realizing that I can get rid of a few more items than I bring into the house, and on a daily basis, I'm now looking around and seeing things I don't *really* want to keep (then figure out a way of getting them out of the house - not just throwing them away if they're items that should be either recycled, donated or re-purposed). It's working nicely so far. Although, there is a small pile of bags that have items that need to go somewhere (the special tip (there's an area for purposed skips e.g. broken electrical items, wooden furniture) , the charity shop, the supermarket recycling places or other recycling places). I'm being cheap and lazy because I need to get a taxi to get to some of these places, and I don't want to yet. Shame on me.

Now as to the reading. As of today, I've read 78 books this year. I'm very happy about this. I'm tempted to make next year's reading challenge 75 books, but I think I'd be jinxing myself. I'll just keep it at a constant 52 books per year. It means I might look like a reading maniac, but then again, I might not. I just think that if I do, I'm catching up on reading I didn't do in previous years.

Ok, Time to go.


02 August 2016

Ow. . . .ow. . .ow. . .

I'm in pain. My back is much better than it was at the beginning of July (when I injured it), but it's not good.

I've been avoiding going to the doctors, knowing that I need to let it heal for a while, but also doing simple stretching exercises so my back doesn't "freeze".

Urg. I hurt. Im tired of taking Ibuprofen.

I do and don't want to go to a chiropractor or osteopath or any other therapy at this point (I said I was going to 2-3 posts ago, but I haven't.). I'm tired of being in pain.

I have a few circumstances I want to be free to think about/deal with, but they're no reason to not go to the doctor. I've not made an appointment because I'm scared. That's it, pure and simple. It's stupid and irrational. I'll make the appointment to go because I should.

The one reason I'm going to make the appointment is because I took a journey by public transport to a health-food store (a journey I've needed to make for a while), and on the way home with a backpack on (balanced load so I didn't put stress only on one side of my body), I was getting shooting pains down my legs. There were only 2 or 3, but I know that one was too much.

I can't spend too much time standing, I can't sit in one position for too long, but walking's ok. No carrying heavy things. No sharp bending over, no sudden moves.

It isn't quite as bad as it sounds, but these are things I've self-imposed until I've been given the all-clear by a doctor/chiropractor/whatever specialist I need to see.

Ok, I'm done procrastinating.


15 July 2016

I'm just tech savvy enough.. . .

OK, Crafting and reading first, then I'll get to the reason for the title.

Well, I've been crafting just enough so I feel not quite lazy (the back isn't helping, but I'm working with it.). I've been a busier reader than I thought I was. I checked on my "read" book list on Goodreads, and found that my record keeping wasn't as good as I thought it was. I fixed it, and come to find out I'm 10 books ahead of my reading challenge. I was thinking of changing my goal, but I really want to do a lot of craftwork in a couple months when my backs better and I've had a couple adjustments, and I expect that might have an affect on the book count. 

We'll see. 

Now to the title.

I'm *so* glad I keep a notebook of all my online accounts with enough info in it that I can get into most of my accounts. (there's quite a lot of obsolete data in there, but I have a method to let me know what's active or not.) 

I've had enough online and equipment changes (My second ISP changed e-mail clients and I lost my primary e-mail address (I'd had it for over 20 years), so I was twittering around reactivating the secondary e-mail addresses I'd gathered over the years (I have about 4, I think, but was only sort of using 3) redistributing the more important contact and information e-mail to them), Then I went looking around for a better ISP and found one, which meant getting a new primary e-mail. So with all that, I've been in and out of accounts re-setting passwords and changing e-mail addresses, If I didn't write enough details down, I'd be screwed. 

I now have to figure out which newsletters and contacts I want where. I (luckily) can take my time now. 

Ok, This is an abrupt stop, but the back is complaining. I've got to go stretch.


12 July 2016

Back in the groove. . .or should I say thread. . .

I'm happily back into cross-stitching. It's taken too long to get here, but I'm back.

I only do about an hour of work per piece right now, but I'll take anything I can get. In a few days I'll push myself to do more, but not too hard. I've damaged my back and sitting in one position for too long is not a good idea. I also don't want to go back to my previous mind set. That was miserable.

I mean, I do like reading, but I like doing other things as well.

Anyway, I should be sleeping, but I was excited and wanted to post.

I'm off.

Good night!