30 August 2008

Project done. . .

Well, I'm FINALLY, officially finished with the cotton blanket squares *much cheering*. But un-officially, I've got 4 more to do for the cushion. *sigh*. But, this means that within two days, I'll have totally finished the knitting for the latest "big project" with nothing planned to take it's place. No, I'm not counting the crocheting I need to do to put the squares together - that's starting in the winter and is a seperate part of the project all together.

I've many medium sized projects to take it's place (all cardigans), so I suppose they'll have to do.

But. . .

On the back-burner, there is a possible new medium sized project involving some (hopefully all) of the green and blue leftover skeins of floss. It (if it works out) is going to be a simple squared-up vest, based on a combination of a sweater I saw on the "Wendy Knits" blog and also from a free pattern on Elann.com - "sonata print lace-up tank".

They were both made of mitered squares and since I've seen them, the technique has grown on me. The sweater was lovely, but the Sonata tank needed to be made in a different colour as I think the yarn for that is hideous, but I always thought that the technique for both items was out of my league - I don't know why.

I just need to think on the mathematics for a while (about a month or so), then I'll knit a few test swatches and joined-square test samples (I'm not planning on sewing anything but side seams and buttons for this vest) and see if it's feasable - for me.

On a seperate project (green flickering flames lace skirt), it's working. So far. I've not gotten the first tier completed yet, but the "new" needle size seems to be fine, sizing wise. I've stretched it out a bit and there's no blatent "tent-ness" like there were in the first incarnations. *hooray!!!*


10 August 2008

Small update

I've been busy - sort of. Between visits to my Friend and my Friend visiting me, organizing getting people to at least think about coming to my knitting group (the group I'm in) and degree work, I've managed to get a bit of knitting in.

I've gotten a mobile phone (cheap and basic - just fine for me). Made a cover (green cotton) for it.
I've been whittling away at the blanket squares - about 60 left to do. I think.
Ticking away on other projects, including SOTS II( just a few rows).

Photos eventually.
