23 July 2009

Taking a small break

Well, I'm a bit burned out with knitting. I like all my knitting projects, I don't want to throw any projects away.
I'm just tired of the physical act of knitting right now.
I'd really, really just like to watch someone doing it. (I don't mean I'd like someone working on my projects, I'd just like to watch someone knit for a while.)

I'll be back when I'm clicking the sticks once more.


08 July 2009

Is there a chapter/group of Lace Knitter's Anonymous?

Because I'm addicted to knitting lace. I've just started two new projects - both lace - I'm planning three future projects (a shawl and 2 baby cardigans) and all three have lace in them.

I don't know.


I'm not worried. I'm actually quite happy that I'm knitting and pleased with what I'm doing. I'm proud of it. I find lace a joy to do. Right now, I'm never happier than when I'm knitting. Even doing other craftwork means that when I finish one of those projects (two fillgap braids, a sewing project, a little bit of woodworking and my crocheted necklaces) means that when I get finished with them, that means more time to work on lace.

All is good.
