25 November 2007

Hello Again!

Well, this morning, I've finished the "Secret of the Stole" pattern. The pictures are in the slideshow to the side. Blocking the stole will be happening in about a week. More photos after it dries.

I liked this knit-a-long. Even though I had a bit of aggriviation with using moth-eaten wool/silk (my fault) and now I've got what feels like 10,000 ends to weave in, I'd do it again.

In fact, I am. I've signed up for "Secret of the Stole II", and it starts in January. Go me!

Anyway. I'm off to do some work on the scroll wrap. Wish me luck. It's been fighting me the last couple weeks. I think it's been jealous. *snicker*.


09 November 2007


Well. The last month ran away.
If I hadn't decided to see when I'd made the last entry here, then I'd probably have let November skid by without an entry as well.

Problem is that Ravelry's addictive. Lots of features that are easy to fill in and tweak, and before you know it, there's pages and pages of your own knittig things from stash to projects (in all stages from planned to finished to frogged)

I's decidedly evil (and satisfying) that one "small" community can cause so much havoc - and you feel motivated to work on knitting projects that are neglected or long forgotten.

So, what have I been knitting?

One old project and one "new".
I've been crawling along on the Black Silk Scroll Wrap.
I'm almost half-way on the "Secret of the Stole" knit-a-long.

this is the last photo I took of the Stole. It does have beads, but they happen to be frosted ones, so they don't show - and yes, it is crumpled on one side - it's my fault for being in a hurry to take the photo.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit blah, so I'm off to bed.
