In fact, I've not been up to much, really.
I finally admit I've been depressed.
I just originally thought I'm a bit overwhelmed and feeling blah. But the fact it went on for months instead of days or a few weeks (which I've done), meant that I had to admit I'm not myself.
My yearly new years post went down the toilet, as did most things. I didn't think there was anything to plan for or anything to be thankful for or celebrate. I know that's not true, but it was then. Seeing as it's March, I think it's a bit late now, really.
The only thing I've done since the last post is read, eat and watch TV (and occasionally make a trip downtown when I had to.). I'm dieting - basically cutting back on the snacks and making meals smaller by half - eating for 2 because "why not" is stopping now - and doing exercises. I am visibly fat to me, and I disgust myself (It's a good sign that I care about how I look - but I will *not* step on the scale. That's stupid. I know I need to get toned up. I'm not making myself paranoid about dropping pounds.) - I need to lose at least 20 lbs (a stone and 1/2).minimum visibly, and I'll be happy. I don't know when I'll get back to exercise classes, but I'll be looking into local ones.
After finally realizing I'm getting better and now, I'm being lazy because there's just *so* much to catch up on (laundry, cleaning, craftwork, house repairs, yardwork - to name a few things) I MUST get off my fat arse and get stuff done.
So I'm off. I'm preparing to do some laundry - there's a sizable mountain of it and since I don't have a washer and dryer, off to the laundrette I must go - multiple times over the next couple weeks There's no unearthly way I can do all the laundry in one trip, never mind 2 or 3. (I normally go every other week)
I'm reading. I set a goal on the Goodreads website, like I do every year. I don't remember what number I set, but I'm up to date so far.
Crafting? Well, we'll see. I have knitting in my bag so if I feel like getting a few rows done while the laundry's doing it's thing, it'd be nice. No pressure.
Will I be making an appointment to see the doctor? No I don't think so. I have a few things to catch up on, and worrying about getting to my GP isn't on that particular list right now. But I'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks and if I slip back, then I'll get on the phone and make an appointment.
Anyway. I'm done with this update/post.
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