I really hadn't realised it's been as long as it has.
I've has some life-changing things happen and I suppose that got priority.
My father had a mental schism mid-November 2017 and I've been dealing with that. He was formally diagnosed with Vascular Dementia (also known as Progressive Dementia) July 2018. He's not doing too well lately, and his sense of reality is waning back and forth faster and faster as the months go by. He had good days and bad days, his balance is good enough to get him up the stairs and to the bathroom. He's got reduced movement in his left hand and shoulder, had his right cataract removed in 2017 but the operation for the left one didn't go too well, and he decided that he didn't want to have it done. I don't think it'll ever get done now....He stopped driving in 2016, and he really doesn't get out much now. I have to cook, clean, take him to the bathroom, wash him, dress him, take care of his medications (morning and evening sets) and make sure I follow him so he doesn't fall (he's not that bad on his feet, but he gets wobbly enough every other month that he's had a fall when I'm not there or I'm too far away/not fast enough - the last one, he was trying to stand up from sitting on the arm of the sofa and as he was leaning forwards, he just gracefully slid onto the floor....and I was unable to do anything. - and I worry).
Now for me, well, my big news is that I finally went to the doctors about my back last year and insisted on an MRI and after I found out I had fractures on 2 of my discs, some crushing on another 2 and I have a trapped right spinal nerve on the bottom vertebrae (I can't remember the Letters/Numbers, the printout is somewhere...) I was formally diagnosed with Osteopenia (precursor to Osteoporosis) and I'm on chewable high dosage Calcium/Vitamin D3 tablets for the foreseeable future (I'm waiting for the 6-monthly blood tests for calcium levels to rule out bone spurs from the tablets.). I had a couple physiotherapy appointments before I got the diagnosis and news about my spine and I knew something was a bit serious when they were very surprised (I had two different physiotherapists for the appointments) that I was walking upright without an ounce of pain (drat those early chiropractic appointments, they worked *he he he*).
Now, my last chiropractor appointment was last year. While I did pay for a set of appointments and I have a couple left, I haven't been back because I've been busy with Dad and I've had some emotional setbacks with Depression and stress. I don't have any back pain and I'm *VERY* thankful for that, but I do want to go and get an adjustment or two as my shoulders are a bit tight. (plus I'd like to get some release for my lower back.). So I'll do that eventually.
Now for my craftwork....well, I haven't really been doing that as regularly as I'd like. I keep my hand in with the knitting, beaded crochet and occasional jewellery work, but It's slow.
The reading is ok. I'm still doing the reading challenges with Goodreads. This year I put in a hopeful 104 books to read this year. I'm not holding my breath, but I am quietly crossing my fingers. . .
Ok, Dad needs me. Later
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