12 August 2012

Yay and Blah....

I've finished the two pieces I put in for the Ravellenics.
Growing Leaves Shawl #1
Yoga Cardigan.

Before I start, I'm running on 2 hours sleep - I just could not get to sleep last night. I couldn't do much of anything except look at the TV most of the night. Very frustrating. *bah*. I finished off the last seam under the left arm this morning feeling like fog was creeping in my head.

The title is, well, while I wasn't keeping either item, I did like the way the shawl turned out.

The sweater, on the other hand. . .
As I was finishing off each seam and then knitting up the second half of the neckband/waist tie, I started disliking it more and more. I "knew" it wasn't a good garment. I'm a sewer first. I started out by hand sewing items (I made a dress by hand when I was 8, and while it looked like a Frankenstein's Monster dress, it did work) and eventually graduated to a sewing machine in my teens. Over the years, I became good.
Anyway, I knew the blocked pieces were ok, but even as I turned the sweater back and forth and in and out during the seaming, I thought it wasn't working. They weren't sitting right (yes, I am a bit of a perfectionist). But, at the same time, I was going to give it a second chance by re-washing it (I've got to "lock-in" all those sewn-in ends) and then blocking it by pinning it to my dress form. I am hoping it works, really I am. if not, I'll felt it and turn it into a cushion (I'll knit up a filler panel for the neck and sew everything in place except the bottom seam (zip goes there) and sew up a cushion to insert into it. I can't send out a (possible) substandard garment, really I can't.
Now - I am brain fogged right now. I do know that the sweater needs re-blocking. But tomorrow (or the next day), after I get enough sleep to function (thank goodness it's the weekend), I might look at the sweater with a kinder eye.

I hope so. The yarn is so soft and has the nicest halo.

Until next week(end).

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