28 April 2012

NO, NO, Noooooo........

What is wrong with me? For three years I've not been able to go to any knitting "festivals"/wool events and I was determined to get to one this year.

For me, there's 3 main ones:
Wonderwool, Wales (April)
Woolfest, Cumbria (June)
Knitting and Stitching show, Harrogate (November)
other 'minor' ones are:
Fibre-east (July)
Gaelic Wool Festival, Argyll (July)
Knitting and Stitching show, London (October)
Fiber flurry (October)
Masham sheep fair (September)
Knitting and Stitching show, Dublin (November)

I'll get to the Knitting and stitching show in Harrogate - they put on a coach every year. I can do that. . . I hope. . .I forgot about it last year. *sigh*.


I'm at home, it's the last weekend of April and. . .
I forgot about Wonderwool.
No - I remembered it, but transposed the date with Woolfest. Then I forgot about "that".
(No, I can't go tomorrow, as I've got my cousin's christening to go to. It should be fun. There'll be family there I've not seen in years.)

Nevermind. I'll remember it next year. *crossing everything*

Besides, if I start a "wool fund" for Wonderwool now, I should have a nice little nest-egg for next year. *grin*


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