25 April 2012

General Update on some projects....

Well, I scanned posts back to January a couple weeks ago, and realised I had forgotten "things".
So here's what I've done (or not done) with some of the knitting and gardening.

Gardening - nothing. My garden lies ignored. I hadn't planned on it, but things happened and I got distracted from the garden. I'm hoping I'll fix it next year. I'm not going to start work on it now because I'd need to start seedlings and it would get too cold for harvest for some of the plants.

Knitting. Ok.
(Jan 2012)
Cable-icious ear-warmer/scarf - I'm knitting erratically on it. It should be finished by now, but it's not. I don't know why as it's a fun knit and completing it would mean I would have finished off the set.

Not-so-Raspberry-as-Cherry Dream Stole - I completed 2 1/2 repeats on it and put it to one side to work on later, but later hasn't arrived yet. Again, I don't know why I'm not working on it. It's fun.

Mochi-Mochi Elephant, Chickens and Hearts - Well, The Elephant is at a fiddly stage. I need to do the legs and tail. I'm not in the mood to mess with them. The Chickens need stuffing (I stuff them as I make them) and with no stuffing, I can't make anymore. I will buy stuffing on Thursday (27th April). The hearts aren't working out. I made 2 sides and they look pathetic. More work needed on them.

Eyelet Gloves - Well, I just got overwhelmed. While the yarn is 4-ply, the needles are tiny and it seems like I knit a million rows and knit an inch of glove (lovely warm fabric, though). I'll work on them eventually. I like them.

Mitered Vest/Jacket - I said I was going to frog and re-start it. I haven't frogged it yet, don't know why.

(Feb 2012)

Indiski Shawl - I'm chugging along. It's a bit better than the gloves. With lace work, the light fingering yarn and small needles don't seem too bad. I feel like I'm making somewhat acceptable progress. I'm still on the first set of borders. I'll be glad when I start work on the second set of borders.

Patchwork Jacket - Well, I'm sewing in an end or two every week. It's heavy and too warm in my lap (for all the lovely soft alpaca yarn) and I'm dreading blocking it. I'll get all finished eventually.

(March/April 2012)

Blue Leaf Shawl - It's just been finished and blocked. I love it. It came out bigger than I expected (I did end up using 5 balls insted of the 4 expected in the pattern), but it's great. All resolved itsself wonderfully, and the beads in the border are perfect.

Reading Shawl #2 - Well, I fixed the hole, but I need to weave ends in and I was wrung out fixing the hole (tiny area, lots of pins to keep loose stitches in place so I knew where to go and multi-strand black yarn - it doesn't seem like a big thing, but it was).

Brea Bag - I've finished knitting the pieces, and skeined the rest of the yarn to finish off and seam the pieces. Dyeing needs to be done next. I've worked out the ratios of dyes I'm using (2 greens and 1 blue from Dylon) as the yarn weight exceeds the amount by weight a single packet of dye will cover. I'm using 66% Green #1, 66% Green #2 and 12.5% Blue.
This bag is part of the Cable Knitting I wanted to start doing more of. I haven't found a pattern for a beret I like enough, and I still need to find the right yarn in order to start the cabled yoke cardigan that I want to make. I'm not having any luck so far.

Kerchief Cowl - Done, blocked and with the rest of my "winter" knits. I'm planning on making a pair of flip-top mittens with the remainder of the yarn. It'll be a nice set. I had thought of a making a hat, but I've more than enough of those.

I've just re-started work on the Mariposa shawl in the last entry, as I wanted something "new" to work on, but didn't want to start a NEW project. Right now I REALLY want to work on old projects. It's not a matter of finishing them, it's more a case of wanting to feel less like being stuck-in-a-rut. Stagnant. So if I'm making progress on them, all is well.

By the way, my "inner knitter" (go read Yarn Harlot's journal entry for April 11th, it's perfect) is all better. She's in the mood to knit now. She's being a pest, in fact, but I'm just managing to ignore her. I have other things I need to do...like...

I had caught up on my reading 3 days ago, but I looked at Goodreads last night and I'm behind again *sigh*. The reading never ends. *dramatic (with hand on forehead) sigh*. Never mind.
I "won" a givaway in Goodreads, and it arrived Friday (20th). I'm now off to start reading it. It looks interesting -in a good way.


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