I'm still knitting. I think I'll always knit from this point on - not necessarily every day, but as often as my psyche is comfortable with. If it wants to take a break, that's fine too, as there's more than enough knitting to sew up when I don't want to knit. . .
Anyway - the change in focus. I'm primarily a lace knitter and love, love, Love lace, but, I'm finding the beauty and delight in cables. Soft, squishy, textural cables. I want to knit more cables.
I'm looking for patterns with cables. I'm not sure I'm quite ready to do a full cabled garment, but a persistant pattern is lovely. I'm delighted with the 6-piece plated cable accessory set I'm almost (about 2 weeks to finish the last piece, a gartered scarf) done with.
I'll be sad when it's finished. I've already been thinking about the next cabled piece I want to do, and at this point, I'm pretty sure there's going to be 2 - 3 of them - definitely a beret (piece 1) and a wrap/shawl with either a cabled edging or central panel (piece 2). I know for a fact I'll end up giving the beret away, but I want to knit one and why not one with cables. The developing pattern will be fun. (Yes, I said fun.).
Even as I'm typing this, I'm also thinking about knitting Eunny Jang's cabled yoke cardigan (I'm pretty sure it's in an issue of Interweave Knits). I've had it in my queue for what seems like ages, and I think that this is the year (not sure when, as is usual for me) I'll be starting it (- there's piece number 3) Whee!
One of the other "big" garments I'm planning on knitting and will definitely buy is a pattern for a moss stitch coat from Vogue Knitting (I'm pretty sue I've mentioned it in the past, but like the cardigan, I can't remember the issue or even the designer). As far as I know, it's for sale on their website, and they had it last month on sale, but I just didn't have the opportunity to get it (no credit card). I'll have it bought for me as I'll send the money for it with my Father when he goes on his yearly trip. Hooray!
Anyway, I'm off, as I'm in the process (slowly) of knitting a pair of toe-up sock-lets (no toes or heels) for yoga. I'm tired of my feet cramping because of the cold. I'll probably have them finished by spring *grin*.
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