Well, I've started another shawl, finally. It's one of the primary 16 on my internal set - and my queue on Ravelry.
I'm just happy right now. I have been in a foul mood for a few days and I'm gratefully through the other side. I'm hoping that it's going to last a few days and I can knit in emotive peace.
The shawl is a beautiful Orenberg shawl "Olga's Indiski [Indian] Shawl" designed by Galina Khmeleva (in Piecework magazine May/June 2009) and it's glorious, honestly glorious. I'm using Fyberspates Scrumptious Lace (55/45 merino silk), colourway 501 (cherry). It's a ripe cherry colour, with hints/shadings of brown and blue that change as the light source changes. At this time, I'm sitting under an energy saver bulb and the colour's a medium/dark blued-pinky-red. Hard to name.
I think, if there's one bad thing I can think of about this shawl, it's that I've got a Kindle, and I want the charts on it.. So, I'm having to type up the charts into text (.txt) files so I can upload them to the Kindle - I don't have a way to transfer them to pdf files. But, luckily for me, the body chart had an error, so Interweave press re-pubished it on their website as a .pdf file, so that was a sanity saver *whew*. I'm only halfway through typing up chart 1 - and that took a day. Eek.
Anyway, I'm going to fix the last row of the edging (I accidentally pulled the needle out), finish up typing chart 1 (and start on chart 2) then I'm back to knitting on the shawl. Yum
I'm itching to knit, and so off I go.
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