28 September 2015

Knitting and the Hope for 2015. . .

I've completed 10 projects this year and I'm in the process of finishing off 2 more.
One (Queen's Garden Shawl) needs washing and blocking and the other one (Lap Blanket for the Cold) needs the ends sewing in and washing and drying (I'm not going to block it - I think it needs to be fluffy for warmth and blocking won't help that, but I'll see when its dry. If I'm wrong, it's easily fixed). They both need to go into the freezer afterwards.

I have 3 (a Purse (Brea Bag), a Jacket/Cardigan (Mermaid Jacket) and a Sweater (V-neck Sweater with saddle shoulders)) that could be finished by the end of the year, but they all depend upon me having sufficient concentration. My insomnia is impairing that concentration and I'm feeling a little bit low and hence, that also impairs my concentration and buggers up my self-esteem, so I'm not fully convinced that I could complete one, never mind all three within the year. I'm really hoping my insomnia does one, and soon. I logically know full well I could do all three if I work on them even a little bit every day, but I just look at them sitting there and I don't want to. It's simple stuff that needs doing:
The Purse needs 3 things finishing - the lining cut out and sewn up (2 day job), the strap to be knitted (a week at the most) and then all the components sewing together (2-3 days) with the hardware and an edging crocheted along the edge (a day). It's a nice bag, and it's been sitting around for too long.
The Jacket needs to be finished, but I don't know if I could wear it. I've gained a bit too much weight since I started it and I think that's also impairing my wish to finish it (The i-cord edging (a week) and the sleeves (2 weeks) are all that need knitting before I sew it up (3-4 days)).
I'd like to finish the Sweater before the cold weather kicks in here. I'd like to be able to wear it at least once before the end of the year, but I can't get the oomph to work on the sleeves (1-2 weeks) (that and the neckline (2-3 days) are all that needs finishing before I sew it up (3-4 days).

I have at least 5 more projects, each of which could be finished within 6 months - all shawls. I've been working on the body of one lately (Cherry Leaf Shawl) since it only needs 3 repeats of the pattern (10 rows each) to compete the body of the shawl and then I need to start on the knitted on border. It'll take about 2-3 months of daily work to complete that, but with the work that needs to be done on the previous projects, it's not likely to be completed this year, which is why I put it into this paragraph. The other shawls are The Spider Web half-hexagon shawl (only the border left), The Papyrifera Shawl with beaded edging, The I Flap My Wings and Glide Shawl and The Saroyan (#2) Shawl. I'm hoping I complete all of those next year, along with two other long-term projects, though I don't know which two at this point. Oh! There's also a Sweater (So Long Duster) that could be completed by the end of 2016, but I don't know if it will. *sigh*

I'm going to go. I feel a little bit better about my prospects to finish the knitting on something else this year, and that's making me a bit more confident about things in general. I think I'm going to go knit on the sweater sleeve I started. It might just help a little.


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