Well, I'm not exactly au-fait with fingertip typing, but, I'm getting better. It helps that I'm slightly addicted to My Toy. I haven't stopped knitting every day since the last entry, and while I haven't actually finished another knitting project, I'm happy with my progress.
I had a minor house incident yesterday and was quite shook-up, and so I've started another knitting project to calm myself. It's a Wombat "Shawl". I had bought two colours (beige and a soft jade green) of this lovely merino yarn and used the greater amount (the soft jade green) to start a sweater (which I have described in an earlier entry) and the latter amount was sitting there taunting me. I used yeterday as an excuse to start knitting with it, and it's absolutely lovely.
To be honest, the minor calamity ended up being a lot of noise and smell, and will be tacked tomorrow (hopefully). It's not a small problem, but it's not something I'm going to describe until it's fixed.
Anyway. I'm in a bit of a mental fluff state, and while I had this great post planned, I can't remember exactly what I wanted to say. It (of course) involved knitting, but I also was going to include books and cooking.
Oh well. When I remember it, I'll type it up and post it.
Until then.
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