29 July 2013

What!?!?! How many!?!

My, my, my. I was trying to rejig the way my Ravelry project list looks (decided to put it back to what it was) and I discovered I had 50 projects in various states of unfinished (ranging from just started all the way to it's been knitted, sewn and only needs to be blocked).

That's very embarrassing indeed.

I am churning out and finishing quite a few projects, but right now, there are more new projects being finished than old ones.

So, as of last night, I finished a teapot cozy, washed a shawl that's been sitting on the side-lines for over a month (got another one to wash, but it's an old one that's going into storage until winter) and a hat. So my list is now down to 47 (still too many, though).

I think, that as much a I'd like to start a new project, I really need to buckle down and renew my new year's resolution of cutting down on unfinished projects. I know that I'll never be one for having under 10 projects on the go, but nearly 50 of them really is a bit much.

Ah well.

I'll leave it at that. I've really got to go knit. *g*

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