21 April 2013

It's Dancing Time!

I am a VERY happy person.

I found my camera!!!! *cheers, dances* I knew I missed it, but I hadn't realised I missed it as much as I had. . . I'm SO happy I found it. I keep thinking about it waiting for me to use, and I start smiling.

So why am I sitting here typing this rather than going outside and taking photographs? Well, it's raining. My camera doesn't like rain. It's a pain in the bum, but that's the way it goes.

So. I'll be taking photos in a couple days once my knitting is done - and I can also finally take some good photos of the knitting that just can't be captured nicely on the mobile. Yahoo!!!

Anyway, onto the knitting:

I've finished a few projects in the last few weeks -

Ayli Hat - It needs to be re-blocked, as I did that in a hurry and while it's ok, it could fit just a little better.

Bulky Flip-top Mittens - they are great. I have started another pair in a soft green-grey, and I have requests for another 2 pairs. I'll get those done for October (I hope).

Simple Lines Shawl - I beaded the border and it's just so pretty. I can't wait for the weather to wear it.

Light and Up Shawl - I waffled a bit and after blocking, I added the tassels. I like it very much, though I'm unhappy that the weather finally decided to warm up. It means I can't wear this (it blocked out bigger than expected and while light, it is too warm for spring/summer). Drat.

Wingspan - I found it fun and quick to knit. I didn't block it, as I really didn't want to. I also found that in sunlight, it's MUCH more vibrant than I was looking at under an energy-saver bulb. What a surprise!

Not-so-raspberry-as-cherry-Dream stole - and I've got to say, even unblocked, it's Gorgeous!

Bellflower lace scarf (now a cowl) - It didn't turn out as I planned, but it's nice and it will work.
The last two items need to be blocked, but I just don't want to pin out anything at this moment. I'll get 'em done "soon".

New Projects -

I FINALLY started the Muir Stole/Shawl in Natural Dye Studio's Angel 1-ply in Aqua. I'm adding delica beads to the leaves and while I've only done 8 rows, I LOVE IT!

At the end of March I started a pair of "Easy Garter Stitch Fingerless Gloves" in Regia Ombre Stripe (blues and greens). I've had to re-start them - I added a thumb and re-jigged the wrist short rows. They're a side-project and I'm taking my time.

I watched the Fiddler on the Roof a couple weeks ago, and saw a stole I liked. Trawling though Ravelry, I couldn't find a stole pattern that even remotely matched it (which was surprising), though I did find the "Foreign Correspondent's Scarf" that had the same lace pattern as the stole. I started the scarf in Zettl Treviso (navy blue), and it's interesting.
I'm sort of drafting/making notes of a pattern for the stole. I'll definitely have to do a test run of it, but I know I'm on the right lines.

About three weeks ago I started "Pearly Queen". I'm knitting it in Zettl Melisa (pink). It's about the same as the requested yarn. I'm not sure about it though - but that's more the colour than anything else. It's an easy and quick knit, but a little fiddly as I've had to change the way I throw my purling. It's not a problem, just a little different.

Old Projects -

I'm over halfway done with my feather lace scarf (started 2007). I looked at it recently, and it's actually more the width of a stole. I'm hopefully going to use it as a scarf, though I'm not convinced. I think it'll stretch significantly in blocking. All will reveal itself eventually.

I decided at the end of March to give the Maelstrom shawl a rest for a bit. I was dreading the thought of even picking it up, so it was packed away. But. . .I expect the way I've been thinking about it lately means I'll be getting back to it either in May or June.

I've been working on other projects, but, as I'm not sure how much time I'll take to finish them, I can't really give details on them.

If I finish another project this month (ha!), I'll start another shawl. I though about making a sweater, but honestly, I want another shawl. Oh who am I kidding. Once I finish another project, I'll be starting another shawl. There.

Food news next:

I'm really getting into making Japanese Pickles (tsukemono) and I've dicovered I need a couple ingredients (perilla leaves and yuzu) I can't easily get for the pickles I want to end up with. I'm going to be buying the seed for the perilla leaves (both red and green). I have no idea what I'll do about the yuzu, but so far, lemon peel is working. I am happy with what's happening so far - though they could be just a bit better with the perilla leaves. To be honest, I would love to make rice bran pickles, but I'm not convinced I've got what it takes to keep them happy while fermenting. Therefore, I'm just concentrating on quick pickles, and all is good.

My next foray into baking will be making vegan pies. I've got what seems to be a good cookbook (yes, it's "Vegan pie in the Sky"), but unfortunatly I need the counter space. That's a big problem right now. Once that's fixed, watch this space. I'm in the mood to make a chai apple pie first.

And finally, just in case you hadn't figured it out, my emotional health is MUCH better. I don't know what happened, but about a week - 2 weeks ago, it was if a cloud had lifted. I'm definitely not complaining. It's a little weird in my head, but I'll go with the flow. It's preferable to the way it was before.

Ok, I'm off. I have reading to catch up on. I finally got my copy of "Dangerous Liaisons" returned to me, and I'm on letter 16.

See you later.

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