29 June 2011

Back to taking photos. . .

I missed it.

I'm only using the Samsung camera phone right now, mainly because I can't edit any photos on my netbook due to the simple fact I've no photo-editing software on it.
My Olympus digital camera takes photos that are just too large to upload -unaltered- to any website at the resolution I have the camera set to. I'm also not going to change that resoultion because I've found that at lower resolutions, the photos look "bad". Therefore, me using only the camera phone it is.

I'm not 100% happy I can't edit my photos (I'm not even close to being 50% happy if I'm honest), but I'm doing the best I can in the shooting of them. I'd much rather take the photos and have to reshoot/replace some of them in the future, than not take them at all (it's very hard to retake photos of knitting-in-progress when the project's long been finished and blocked).
surprisingly, It's really fun relearning to shoot photos like this. I forgot how much fun photography can be with equipment that's a bit "raw".

I'm off to take more photos. I've a lot of knitting to shoot.

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