04 September 2008

The mitered vest. . .

Is coming along. Had a few frogging incidents after discovering faults with my plan, but all is (slowly) ticking along.

I'm working alternately on both the fronts, so I can then see how I'm going to progress with the back. I might (might) be able to get away with knitting it together competely (picking up stitches for the square sides as I go along), but I'm nowhere near that point. Hell, I've only managed to knit a total of 5 squares so far (3 for one side and 2 for the other).

I've decided that the mitred fronts are going to mirror one another, with one diagonal going left and one going right, but I'm not decided which side is going which way - but the colours look good so far.

Anyway, I've done my entry and it's time for bed.


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