23 September 2008

Mitered vest. . .

I'm stalled. I've completed 17 and 1/2 squares on each front panel and I'm having a think about colour graduation. I'm not sure where to take it.
I'm not even sure right now if the fronts will remain the fronts or if I'll turn one of them into half of the back.
I'm just hitting a "writer's block" in knitting.

Ah well.

The skirt is ticking along. All the sweaters are still in limbo and last week I actually knitted a few rows onto the SOTS II shawl that I wrote about earlier this year. Not that there's any photos of anything yet. Well, I took a few photos of the mitered vest fronts, but I haven't processed them yet. Maybe tonight. Maybe not. I'm feeling lethargic.

I've put together a kit for a future project (a wall hanging in two parts), but I look at it and I don't know. Ok, so it's part of that "knitting block".

I'll sign off now. I've got colours and squares to look at. Wish me luck.


04 September 2008

The mitered vest. . .

Is coming along. Had a few frogging incidents after discovering faults with my plan, but all is (slowly) ticking along.

I'm working alternately on both the fronts, so I can then see how I'm going to progress with the back. I might (might) be able to get away with knitting it together competely (picking up stitches for the square sides as I go along), but I'm nowhere near that point. Hell, I've only managed to knit a total of 5 squares so far (3 for one side and 2 for the other).

I've decided that the mitred fronts are going to mirror one another, with one diagonal going left and one going right, but I'm not decided which side is going which way - but the colours look good so far.

Anyway, I've done my entry and it's time for bed.


02 September 2008

New project (and old one)

I've finally finished the squares. Every last stinky one. The last ones are drying as I type this and in a couple days, they'll be packed away. Ok, they'll be packed away for about two weeks, while I finish the last two pieces of homework for the year. Then I'll take photos and then I'll start crocheting them together. *crossing fingers* You know, I really hope my plan works. . .
Well, I suppose there's going to be news on that as it happens, won't there. *grin*

I've also started that new mitered square vest project. I did the samples and I've worked out (approximately) how it's going to be constructed (there might be triangles, there might not). With the detachable sleeves (yep, that'll be "fun" if it works), I expect though, that it should take about 18 months to get finished. Nothing new in the speed stakes there.
I've also decided to add the aqua shades to it just to take the edge off the colour changes. Well, it might work. If not, it'll get fixed.

It's nearly 1am, so I'm off to bed.
