Therefore, since I did buy the yarn with a view to making a wrap for choir performances, about a week after I got the yarn, I start making swatches from this blue acrylic I found in a bag (forgotten stash of my Mother's).
I'm really looking for a stitch pattern that looks semi-sophisticated (so to speak), so I'm rationalising that if it looks nice in a mottled soft blue squeaky acrylic yarn, then it'll look good in a lovely black silk yarn *crossing fingers*. I work up and discard half-a-dozen samples (there's 2 that have potential, but I'm not sure. . .).
Then, I go onto the Knitting fool website ( and peruse the stitch patterns on there. I come to "Scroll". I work it up and. . . whee! I like it. I like it so much, I'm now knitting a scarf in it, out of that squeaky blue acrylic.
Here, see what it looks like on both sides.:

I'll see how far I get on this scarf, since I've only got the one ball as seen in the upper photo.
I am, however, planning to knit up a swatch of this stitch with the black silk on smaller needles, and check out definition.
If needed, I'll tweak the stitch pattern and take out a row and stitch in order to make the "blocks" smaller.
I'll post pictures when I get to the silk. Since I need the wrap before November, I'll be starting work on it as soon as I finish the scarf.
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