But, I managed to take pictures yesterday of the things that I promised to last week. . .
The three pictures are divided into three entries (this one and the two after it), but I just can't get the picasa/hello thingy to send all pictures at the same time even though I'm following the instructions. Never mind. This entry has the sweater bits that I've done so far, and the ones after have the Christmas charm bracelet photos.

kimono sweater knitting

The reason the two knitted bits are different shades is because the finished front (on a straight needle) is in a specially finished mulberry silk yarn (Texere Arctic), and the started one (on the circular needle) is in a Chinese silk bourette yarn (Chinese Number 2) - yes, I am knitting that one from three cones - the yarn is a different thickness as well and it's the only way to make it work.
I am thinking about space dying the sweater when it's finished to try and make it a bit more cohesive. But I'll have to see WHEN it's finished - I JUST might unravel everything and start again.
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