19 October 2005

Night crafting and the "muse"

The craft deity is fickle and cruel yet pleasant.

She can be both a very stern taskmistress and lax - She holds a full goose wing
as a whip.

But my version of her is sometimes. . .strange.

A few nights ago, though I needed a full night's sleep, I could not rest until I
had completed, to a stage, the closing of a crochet bracelet. I knew it could
wait another day - a week - a month - a year. It didn't have the power of
locomotion, yet there was I, at 4:30am, wielding thread and needle sewing beads.

She was stroking me with the seductive and calming down feathers, yet
threatening me with the old strong primaries that sting and burn. . . I could

These writings are not tinged with the madness of sleep deprivation. No.

In the past, I've gone without sleep for nothing more than completing a section
of beading on a necklace - for practice, in order to learn a new technique. And
I wanted to.

She is quaintly quixotic, is my goddess. And I don't even know her name.

Oh, just to finish the "day", once morning came and I had the free time to work
on that bracelet, it wasn't important to her anymore.

She can be a real Bitch sometimes.

Bye for now.

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