02 August 2016

Ow. . . .ow. . .ow. . .

I'm in pain. My back is much better than it was at the beginning of July (when I injured it), but it's not good.

I've been avoiding going to the doctors, knowing that I need to let it heal for a while, but also doing simple stretching exercises so my back doesn't "freeze".

Urg. I hurt. Im tired of taking Ibuprofen.

I do and don't want to go to a chiropractor or osteopath or any other therapy at this point (I said I was going to 2-3 posts ago, but I haven't.). I'm tired of being in pain.

I have a few circumstances I want to be free to think about/deal with, but they're no reason to not go to the doctor. I've not made an appointment because I'm scared. That's it, pure and simple. It's stupid and irrational. I'll make the appointment to go because I should.

The one reason I'm going to make the appointment is because I took a journey by public transport to a health-food store (a journey I've needed to make for a while), and on the way home with a backpack on (balanced load so I didn't put stress only on one side of my body), I was getting shooting pains down my legs. There were only 2 or 3, but I know that one was too much.

I can't spend too much time standing, I can't sit in one position for too long, but walking's ok. No carrying heavy things. No sharp bending over, no sudden moves.

It isn't quite as bad as it sounds, but these are things I've self-imposed until I've been given the all-clear by a doctor/chiropractor/whatever specialist I need to see.

Ok, I'm done procrastinating.
