Well, I've been crafting just enough so I feel not quite lazy (the back isn't helping, but I'm working with it.). I've been a busier reader than I thought I was. I checked on my "read" book list on Goodreads, and found that my record keeping wasn't as good as I thought it was. I fixed it, and come to find out I'm 10 books ahead of my reading challenge. I was thinking of changing my goal, but I really want to do a lot of craftwork in a couple months when my backs better and I've had a couple adjustments, and I expect that might have an affect on the book count.
We'll see.
Now to the title.
I'm *so* glad I keep a notebook of all my online accounts with enough info in it that I can get into most of my accounts. (there's quite a lot of obsolete data in there, but I have a method to let me know what's active or not.)
I've had enough online and equipment changes (My second ISP changed e-mail clients and I lost my primary e-mail address (I'd had it for over 20 years), so I was twittering around reactivating the secondary e-mail addresses I'd gathered over the years (I have about 4, I think, but was only sort of using 3) redistributing the more important contact and information e-mail to them), Then I went looking around for a better ISP and found one, which meant getting a new primary e-mail. So with all that, I've been in and out of accounts re-setting passwords and changing e-mail addresses, If I didn't write enough details down, I'd be screwed.
I now have to figure out which newsletters and contacts I want where. I (luckily) can take my time now.
Ok, This is an abrupt stop, but the back is complaining. I've got to go stretch.