I've not completed anything craft-wise since the last entry.
I've done a bit of knitting, but to be honest, I've been doing a lot more reading.
I don't feel that guilty. Ok, I feel a bit guilty I've not knitted more, but I'm 2 books ahead on my reading challenge (it's really 5, but three of them haven't yet been entered into the Goodreads library - oh well), and that can't be wrong.
I'm working on a new shawl -Coquille, by M. L. Egan. I'm knitting it in laceweight Zauberball (Lace ball), in a variegated green (summer green on the website). It reminds me of a Tudor corset, which really made it irresistible.
Later. I'm off to read. I did start to read the book that arrived in the post, but I'm also in the middle of a histrical novel, and I'd rather be reading that.