I'm knitting. I seem to be always knitting right now. I've got the "multiple projects" thing still going on, but my brain seems to want to decrease the amount of UFO's hanging around.
It's (obviously) never bothered me before, and to be honest, it doesn't now. But it seems like there's this lizard on the back of my brain getting hissy at the mess - the untidyness, the waste of time of it all.
So we'll see what happens on this front in the next 6 months.
I've recently finished 2 wool triangular lace shawls - one brown and one pink (I'veobviously forgotten the names and hopefully will rectify that in the next post).
But I've only started one new project yesterday to replace them - a pair of Thrummed mittens to go with a cabled hooded scarf I'm working on(started last month). I figure I might get both of them finished at the same time, considering the repeats on the scarf are 16 rows, and, I haven't gotten the thrum lengths finished (I'm using two different leftover roving yarns for the thrums and there's a lot less of the preferred colour than the other). so I need to pre-cut the lengths and divide them equally into baggies (suitably marked "L" and "R").
Later. I'm off to pre-draft thrums. It's turned out to be more difficult to do than I thought it would be. The yarn isn't cooperating. Drat.