That frenzy of knitting on projects past, present and future has disappeared. I can't quite pin down when it went, but I think it was about 2 weeks ago - when I started 3 seperate classes (not OU classes). 1 was the evergreen Choir, and the other 2 are Tai Chi and Yoga. My brain must have shifted and pushed knitting out.
I knit for about an hour a night right now, and it feels "not enough", but I can't make myself work anymore than that.
I'm joining a knitting group either this week or next, (the old one I was running died at the beginning of summer and I just don't want to re-start another one right now) in order to restart my "frenzy", and while I realise it might not work as well as that, it should make it easier to knit more than I do now.
*crossing fingers*.