I've never been one for doing a single thing at any time (for the most part, anyway - e.g. one can't sleep and type meaningfully - as far as I understand it , anyway). So I have multiple books I read, and multiple cross-stich projects in various stages of completion, among other things.
It works exactly the same for my knitting. I really don't know how many projects I have going, and to be honest, I don't want to know (I have a ravelry account and the vast majority of my projects are on there, but there are a few that slip through the cracks). But I also have projects I WANT to do, so I get the yarn and/or the pattern, and put it to one side to do later.
Sometimes, I really want to do a particular project *now*, so I start it as soon as possible. I also have a list of future knitting projects, where I want to do it a certain way, but don't have it together yet.
*deep breath*
. . . is there a point to writing all this? . . .
Anyway, I think what I'm trying to say is that at this point in time, is that I don't think I'm going to stop knitting for any considerable length of time (one or two days, maybe, but no longer than that). Right now I can't see me being at a point where I get "knitters block" (so to speak).
I have enough projects on the go that I WANT to finish and enough projects I could start tomorrow (that I really DO want to start tomorrow, but won't) that I'm full up with things to do. *grin*
You know what . . .It feels great!