Well, the first post of the new year. whee.
I'm not in a particularly good mood right now, but not anyone's fault, really. A great Aunt (my Father's) died recently. I'll miss her bigger than life presence. I didn't see her very often, but she was a wonderful lady. Every time I visited them (her and My great Uncle), it seemed to me that she ran her house and family like a military unit, with everything "in perfect working order". Maybe that wasn't the truth, but it was fun to think so.
Again, I'll miss her. *raises glass* Here's to you, Aunt Elena. You were wonderful.
Ok, onto crafting. well, since the news knocked out the end of 2008 note I had planned, I'll just post the news at hand.
I've almost finished the first cardigan I started - it's only taken 2-3 years. I'm on the neckband, and I'm about 1/3 the way through. *whee!*
Next to be finished? Well, since I'm on a roll, I'll go for the second knitted shopping bag. I'm on the second handle, and I know that if I get into gear, the whole thing should be completed in a week (including the sewing up).
I'm crossing fingers I do it.